Another quick bit today – this is the basic framework for using the REST API in ArubaOS. Lots of info at the Aruba Developer Hub. This is primarily for executing show commands and getting the data back in a structured JSON format.
However, be aware that not all show commands return structured JSON – some will return something vaguely XMLish, and some will return the regular text output inside a JSON wrapper (originally the showcommand API endpoint was just a wrapper for the actual commands and would just return the CLI output, as it still does for several commands)
You can always go to https://<controller IP>:4343/api (after logging in) and get a Swagger doc for all the available API calls – although owing to system limitations, the description of those endpoints isn’t generally there, but it can be found in the full AOS8 API reference.
This blog entry does not deal with sending data to the ArubaOS device.
import requests
import json
import warnings
import sys
import xmltodict
aosDevice = ""
username = "admin"
password = "password"
httpsVerify = False
#Set things up
if httpsVerify == False :
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='Unverified HTTPS request')
baseurl = "https://"+aosDevice+":4343/v1/"
headers = {}
payload = ""
cookies = ""
## Log in and get session token
loginparams = {'username': username, 'password' : password}
response = session.get(baseurl+"api/login", params = loginparams, headers=headers, data=payload, verify = httpsVerify)
jsonData = response.json()['_global_result']
if response.status_code == 200 :
sessionToken = jsonData['UIDARUBA']
# print(sessionToken)
else :
sys.exit("Login Failed")
reqParams = {'UIDARUBA':sessionToken}
def showCmd(command, datatype):
showParams = {
'command' : 'show '+command,
response = session.get(baseurl+"configuration/showcommand", params = showParams, headers=headers, data=payload, verify = httpsVerify)
if datatype == 'JSON' :
#Returns JSON
elif datatype == 'XML' :
# Returns XML as a dict
returnData = xmltodict.parse(response.content)['my_xml_tag3xxx']
elif datatype == 'Text' :
# Returns an array
returnData =response.json()['_data']
return returnData
print(showCmd('clock', 'Text')[0])
print(json.dumps(showCmd('dds debug peers', 'JSON'),indent=2, sort_keys=False))
## Log out and remove session
response = session.get(baseurl+"api/logout", verify=False)
jsonData = response.json()['_global_result']
if response.status_code == 200 :
token = jsonData['UIDARUBA']
del sessionToken
#print("Logout successful. Token deleted.")
else :
del sessionToken
sys.exit("Logout failed:")
If you prefer, I have shared a Postman collection for working with the basics.
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