Here’s the code for gathering Wowza Stats from a single server. This assumes that you’ve enabled the stats on Wowza (serverinfo, connectioncounts in VHost.xml HTTPProviders), with authentication turned off). You’ll also get better detailed stats if you use Andrew Kennedy’s CasterStats module for the serverinfo.
<HTTPProvider> <BaseClass>com.wowza.wms.plugin.test.HTTPServerInfo</BaseClass> <RequestFilters>serverinfo*</RequestFilters> <AuthenticationMethod>none</AuthenticationMethod> </HTTPProvider> <HTTPProvider> <BaseClass>com.wowza.wms.http.HTTPConnectionInfo</BaseClass> <RequestFilters>connectioninfo*</RequestFilters> <AuthenticationMethod>none</AuthenticationMethod> </HTTPProvider> <HTTPProvider> <BaseClass>com.wowza.wms.http.HTTPConnectionCountsXML</BaseClass> <RequestFilters>connectioncounts*</RequestFilters> <AuthenticationMethod>none</AuthenticationMethod> </HTTPProvider>PHP code:
<?PHP error_reporting(0); header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $detailed = false; $graph_load = false; $simple_load = false; $simple_count = false; $stream_count = false; $geo_count = false; $count = false; $load = false; $form = true; if (isset($_GET['server'])) { $repeater = $_GET['server']; $form = false;} if (isset($_GET['mode'])) { switch ($_GET['mode']) { case "detailed": $detailed = true; $count=true; break; case "graph_load" : $graph_load = true; $load = true; break; case "simple_load" : $simple_load = true; $load = true; break; case "simple_count" : $simple_count = true; $load = true; break; case "geo_count" : $geo_count = true; $count = true; break; case "stream_count" : $stream_count = true; $count = true; break; } $form = false; } else { $form = true; } if (isset($_GET['port'])) { $adminport = $_GET['port'];} else { $adminport='8086'; } if ($form) { ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Single-Server Metrics</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H3>Single-Server Stats Gathering</H3> <FORM ACTION="#" METHOD="GET"> <P>Server Address:<BR> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="15" value="<?=$repeater;?>" name="server"></P> <P>Admin Port<BR> <INPUT TYPE="text" size="15" value="8086" name="port"></P> <P>Data to display: <BR> <INPUT TYPE="radio" name="mode" value="detailed">Detailed Count</INPUT><BR> <INPUT TYPE="radio" name="mode" value="graph_load">Load Graph</INPUT><BR> <INPUT TYPE="radio" name="mode" value="simple_load">Load in Mbps</INPUT><BR> <INPUT TYPE="radio" name="mode" value="simple_count">Simple Count</INPUT><BR> <INPUT TYPE="radio" name="mode" value="geo_count">Geographical Count</INPUT><BR> <INPUT TYPE="radio" name="mode" value="stream_count">Stream Count</INPUT><BR> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="submit" Value="Show Me The Data"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> <?php } else { // Iterate through IP address array // initialize counters $agent['iPhone']=0; $agent['iPad']=0; $agent['iPod']=0; $agent['stagefright']=0; $agent['Roku']=0; $agent['Flash']=0; $proto['RTMP']=0; $proto['RTSP']=0; $proto['HLS']=0; $proto['2']=0; $proto['3']=0; $proto['4']=0; $server_bwin = 0; $server_bwout = 0; $server_conns = 0; if ($graph_load) { echo "<H3>Server Load</H3>"; } $filter = array( "Name" => 'ip-address', "Value" => $repeater ); $opts = array ( "Filter" => $filter ); if($load) { // compute load per server $repeaterurl = "http://$repeater:$adminport/connectioncounts"; $repeaterxml = simplexml_load_file($repeaterurl); foreach ($repeaterxml->VHost as $vhost) { foreach ($vhost->Application as $app) { // parse bandwidth usage by app in case we want it. $appname = (string)$app->Name; if ($app->Status == "Loaded") { $inbytes = (string)$app->MessagesInBytesRate; $outbytes = (string)$app->MessagesOutBytesRate; $bwin[$appname] = $inbytes / 131072; // Convert Bps to Mbps $bwout[$appname] = $outbytes / 131027; // Convert Bps to Mbps } } // End App Loop } // End VHost Loop $server_bwin = (string)$repeaterxml->MessagesInBytesRate / 131072; // Convert Bps to Mbps $server_bwout = (string)$repeaterxml->MessagesOutBytesRate / 131072; // Convert Bps to Mbps $server_conns = $repeaterxml->ConnectionsCurrent; if ($graph_load) { $server_load = $server_bwout / 1024 * 100; // convert to percentage $load_string = sprintf("%.2f",$server_load); $bwout_string = sprintf("%.3f",$server_bwout); $load_round = round($server_load); switch ($server_load) { case ($server_load > 99): $color = "black"; $heavy = true; break; case ($server_load >= 85): $color = "red"; $heavy = true; break; case ($server_load >= 75): $color = "yellow"; break; default: $color = "green"; } $info = '<A HREF="http://'.$repeater.':$adminport/serverinfo.xml" target="_blank">'.$repeater.'</A>: <B>'. $load_string ."%</B> with ". $server_conns . " connections (". $bwout_string ." Mbps out)"; print "<P>" . $info . "</P>"; ?> <DIV style="height: 5px; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #ffffff; border: 2px solid;"> <DIV style="height: 100%; background: <?=$color?>; color: black; width: <?=$load_round?>%;"></div> </div> <?php } // End Load Graph } // End Bandwidth Loop if($count) { $repeaterurl = "http://$repeater:$adminport/serverinfo"; $repeaterxml = simplexml_load_file($repeaterurl); foreach ($repeaterxml->VHost as $vhost) { foreach ($vhost->Application as $app) { foreach ($app->ApplicationInstance as $instance) { foreach ($instance->Client as $client) { // Skip repeaters and encoders - FMS is already filtered out by the HTTPProvider $skip = false; // Init variable if (preg_match('(Repeater)',$client->Referrer)) { $skip = true; } if (preg_match('(Kulabyte)',$client->Referrer)) { $skip = true; } if (!$skip) { $protocol = (string)$client->Protocol; $proto[$protocol]++; $streamnames = (string)$client->StreamNames; $streamarray=explode("/",$streamnames); $str_array_len=sizeof($streamarray); $str_end_index = $str_array_len -1; $strname = $streamarray[$str_end_index]; if ($streamarray[0] == "amazons3") { $vod[$strname]++; } else { $live[$strname]++; } $client_list[] = (string)$client->IpAddress; if ($detailed) { if ($client->UserAgent) // HTML clients will have a useragent defined { echo $client->IpAddress.": ".$client->UserAgent ."<BR>\n"; if (preg_match('(Roku)',$client->UserAgent)) { $agent['Roku']++; } if (preg_match('(iPhone)',$client->UserAgent)) { $agent['iPhone']++; } if (preg_match('(iPad)',$client->UserAgent)) { $agent['iPad']++; } if (preg_match('(iPod)',$client->UserAgent)) { $agent['iPod']++; } if (preg_match('(stagefright)',$client->UserAgent)) { $agent['Android']++; } } if ($client->FlashVersion) // Flash clients will have a different string. { echo $client->IpAddress.": Flash version " . $client->FlashVersion ."<BR>\n"; $agent['Flash']++; } } //Client Details } // Detailed Loop } //Client Loop } //Instance Loop } // App Loop } //VHost Loop } // Count Loop if ($geo_count) { print "<H3>Client Connections</H3>\n"; echo "<SMALL>Last Refresh: "; echo $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); echo "</SMALL>\n"; foreach($client_list as $client_ip) { $geo_record = geoip_record_by_name($client_ip); $cn = $geo_record['country_name']; $cc = strtolower($geo_record['country_code']); if ($cc == "us") { $sn = $geo_record['region']; $state_total[$sn]++; } $country_name[$cc]=$cn; $country_total[$cc]++; } //End Client iteration arsort($country_total); print '<DIV class="countries">'."\n"; print '<H4>Countries</H4>'."\n"; foreach (array_keys($country_total) as $ccode) { print '<IMG SRC="images/flags/'.$ccode.'.png"> '; print "$country_name[$ccode] : ".$country_total[$ccode]."<BR>\n"; } // End Country iteration print '</DIV>'; arsort($state_total); print '<DIV class="states">'."\n"; print '<H4>States</H4>'."\n"; foreach (array_keys($state_total) as $state) { print "$state : ".$state_total[$state]."<BR>\n"; } // End State iteration print '</DIV>'; } // End Geo Loop if ($detailed) { $agent['iOS'] = $agent['iPhone'] + $agent ['iPad'] + $agent['iPod']; echo "<BR>\n"; echo "Total HLS Clients: ". $proto['HLS']."<BR>\n"; echo "Total Roku clients: ". $agent['Roku']."<BR>\n"; echo "Total iOS clients: ". $agent['iOS'] ." (".$agent['iPhone']." iPhone,". $agent['iPad']." iPad,". $agent['iPod']." iPod)<BR>\n"; echo "Total RTMP clients: ". $proto['RTMP']." (". $agent['Flash'] ." Flash)<BR>\n"; } // Detailed Loop if ($simple_load) { printf("%.3f", $server_bwout); } if ($simple_count) { print $server_conns; } if ($stream_count) { print "<h3>Stream Connections</h3>\n"; arsort($live); arsort($vod); print "<DIV CLASS=\"live\"><h4>Live</h4>\n"; foreach (array_keys($live) as $lstr) { print strtoupper($lstr)." : ".$live[$lstr]."<BR>\n"; } print "</DIV><DIV CLASS=\"vod\"><h4>On-Demand</h4>\n"; foreach (array_keys($vod) as $vstr) { print strtoupper($vstr)." : ".$vod[$vstr]."<BR>\n"; } print "</DIV>"; } } ?>
HI, I´m trying to use that code, I think is perfect, but is not showing the connections…
can you help me ?
is working user: admin and pass: admin
Did I miss something ???
This uses a combination of connectioncounts.xml and serverinfo.xml from Andrew’s module.
Can you post the code if the authentication is admin-digest?
Your PHP code is great, as I am not PHP coder. I have tried to use your code, but ut is not showing the connections as for Marcuscorrea
check server:8086/serverinfo.xml and server:8086/connectioncounts.xml to see if you’re getting the raw data in XML.
hello, where to put php code on wowza server?
Ian, can the code be easily modified to accommodate authentication?
Thank you!
It’s just a matter of updating the HTTP request – if the simplexml function won’t do it, you can use curl and dump the output into the simplexml.